Välkommen på supé och bal i stora salen på  Grand Hotel i Lund där det dansats och firats i över 100 år. 

The Reception, Ball and Dinner will be held in the Ballroom at
The Grand Hotel in Lund,
where people have celebrated and danced for more than a hundered years.



Grand Hotels kökchef Martin Hansen är Guldmedaljör i Mat OS 2012.
Martin väljer någon av säsongens lokalt och ekologiskt producerade råvaror tilll en spännande meny.

Grand blev årets vinupplevelse 2012 enligt White Guide.




Grand Hotels head chef Martin Hansen is winner of the Worldwide Olympic Gold medal in fine arts cusine
2012  and will create  the menu from the best local producers available and offer us an experience beyond your expectations.


Martin’s inspiration comes from from the South Swedish farmlands, gardens and seas.
With his roots in the Nordic kitchen he creates with love and curiosity ‘World food from South Sweden".

According to White Guide Grand Hotel was awarded for beeing "Swedens number one Wine Experience 2012"

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